February 28, 2014

February Wrap Up

This month, I've read a total of 6 books. A lot more than last months 3 books, right ;) I'm right on schedule for my reading challenge (50 books in 2014). These are the ones I've read:
  1. Karin Slaughter - A Faint Cold Fear (Grant County #3)
  2. John Green - An Abundance of Kathrines
  3. Chelsea Cain - Kill You Twice (Gretchen Lowel #5)
  4. Karin Slaughter - Indelible (Grant County #4) (e-book)
  5. Michael Scott - The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #3)
  6. Cinda Williams Chima - The Demon King (Seven Realms #1)
I didn't really like A Faint Cold Fear compared to the previous books in the Grant County series, I didn't really felt like the story pulled together and I was really annoyed by Lena. I did like Indelible though, the next book in the series. I liked going back in time and learn more about Jeffreys past.

I've read An Abundance of Kathrines with high expectations after reading The Fault in our Stars, but I wasn't that impressed with this book. From time to time I got bored and I found myself 'scanning' the pages in stead of reading them. I did liked the references and footnotes in this books, those made it a bit funny. I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars on GoodReads. Not bad, but not as amazing as I thought it would be.

Kill You Twice was awesome, it was gruesome and bloody. I like that. I liked the chemistry between Archie and Gretchen and I liked to find out more of Gretchen's past. It has a fair share of twists and I can't wait to read the next book! It's gonna have another character in it and I would like to see her develop. I'm not spoiling anything.. ;)

The Sorceress was as good as the other books of the series about Nicholas Flamel. It was fast paced and filled with action, mythology and history, heroes and villains. I loved it.

The last book I read this month was The Demon King and I loved it. The characters are awesome the world they live in intriguing. I was sucked in this book the moment I started it and I picked it up every free minute I had. Thank God I've bought the boxed set, so I don't have to wait for the next book!

February 26, 2014

February Book Haul!

The Seven Realms Novels by Cinda Williams Chima.

After watching watching lots of videos of Regan from Peruse Project I couldn't resist buying this bookset. According to her this series is amazing and after hearing what it's all about it got me really interested. I finished the first book already and I L-O-V-E-D it. Can't wait to read the rest of it!

Hollow City by Ransom Riggs.

I also bought Hollow City by Ransom Riggs, I've had the first book for a while and I really loved it, so when the book was available for pre-order I couldn't resist! The cover is amazing again and when I was flipping through it I saw a lot more interesting old photographs.

Flee market finds!

I went to a flee market 2 times this month and I brought home these books. I only buy second handed books when they still look like they're new. These are all Dutch books (3 of them translated for English), too bad they don't over English books. The English titles are (from top to bottom): The Cabinet of Curiosities, Beneath the Skin, The Diner and The Judas Strain.

February 24, 2014

Book-scented candles for bibliophiles

Hey there! While I was browsing the interwebs I stumbled on this shop on Etsy: Frostbeard Studio. They sell Book-scented candles for bibliophiles. These are definitely on my wishlist. From what I've read people really like the scents and I really want to try one! Who doesn't want a room that smells like a 'bookstore' or 'Dumbledore's Office'?

February 17, 2014

The Book Buying Tag

My favorite corner in our Apartment.
When I was watching Booktubes last sunday I saw a lot of videos with The Book Buying Tag. Apparently Megan Olivier thought it up and you can find her video right here. Make sure to check it out.

1. Where do you buy your books from?
Most of of the time I but my books on Bol.com. I've got a huge wishlist there (there's a link on the top of my blog), but I love to go to the local bookstores like The American Book Center in Amsterdam and Waterstones, also in Amsterdam.

2. Do you ever pre orders book and if so do you do this in store or online?
Nope, never. I did go to the bookstore in the middle of the night once, to pick up the newest Harry Potter book.

3. On average, how many books do you buy a month?
It depends on my income and the amount of TBR's I have, but I think right now the average is 3.

4. Do you use your local library?
Nope, I'm from the Netherlands and I like to read in English. They do have an English section, but it's limited. And they often didn't have the books I wanted.

5. If so- how my books can you/do you borrow at a time?
It used to be 10 for 4 weeks, not sure if it's still like that.

6. What is your opinion on library books?
Awesome if you don't have a lot of money and love to read, I just wish they had a bigger English section.

7. How do you feel about charity shop/second hand books?
Love it. I often go thriftshopping with my parents where I'm always on the look out for books. But, the books have to be in good (ehmm.. perfect) condition and preferably hardcover.

8. Do you keep your read and TBR pile together/on the same book shelf or not?
I like to keep my series together, so it's on the same shelf.

9. Do you plan to read all of the books that you own?
Yes. The reason that I bought them is to read them.

10. What do you do with books you that you own that you feel you will never read/felt you did not enjoy?
I donate them or I sell them on a fleemarket.

11. Have you ever donated books?

12. Have you ever been on a book buying ban?
Not really, when I have an expensive month I'll just buy less, but not just books.

13. Do you feel that you buy too many books?
No, as long as I read them all, they're a good buy ^__^

February 2, 2014

February TBR

This month I have a couple of books I want to read. The mailman brought me The Abundance of Kathrines by John Green, I definitely want to read that one. A friend of mine gave me Kill You Twice by Chelsea Cain (in Dutch: Wraak), can't wait to read this, I love the Gretchen Lowell series.

While I wait for a Bol.com order to arrive, I'll probably read another Karin Slaughter book: Indelible (Grant County, #4) is next on my list.

On Bol.com I ordered the complete Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima and Hollow by Ransom Riggs. I'll see if I finished some of these this month!

February 1, 2014

January Wrap Up

Okay, so last month I've only read 3 books:
  1. Jonas Jonasson - The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared
  2. Meg Wolitzer - The Interestings (e-reader)
  3. John Green - The Fault in Our Stars
I really enjoyed reading The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared, but I kinda was annoyed by some things in the book. I know it's fiction, but why does a man, who hates politics, meet almost every important political figure in his lifetime? And if he hates it so much, why do we have to read all about it? I do liked the story where you read about the 100 years old Allan and the people he meets.

The Interestings wasn't really that interesting. Nothing is really happening except life and happens to all of us. I did finish the books, because I felt like I had to and maybe there would be a big plot twist or something big would happen, but nope. I like more exciting books, more tension for me please.
A lot of people gave this book a high rating. I'm guessing it's a love it, or hate book.

The Fault in Our Stars. OMG. I loved it. I usually don't read books like this (no drama for me guys, I've got enough of that in RL), but anyway. OMG. I laughed, I cried and I couldn't stop reading. It's amazing, it's sad and so lovable.